How to Be the Best Nanny
You Got This
Congratulations on your new nanny job! Here are some tips to be the best nanny and create a relationship that will last for years to come.
Confirm the Time
The day before you are due to start nannying, email or call to confirm the time and address. This will reassure the family that you are responsible and excited to begin.
Dress Appropriately
You’re going to be moving a lot, managing messy art supplies, and possibly changing diapers. Dress casual enough to be comfortable; yet still professional.
Arrive Early
Arriving 10-15 minutes early each day is a huge boost to the family. This will give everyone a few extra minutes to go over schedules, meals, updates, etc.
Interact Professionally with your Charges
Play and talk with them at their level. The kids will appreciate your attention and guidance if they feel respected.
Leave the House as Tidy as You Found It – Or Tidier!
You don’t like to come home to a mess and neither do parents! Clean up any messes you or the children have made and pick up toys or crafts. These extra little touches make all the difference to tired parents.
Always Keep the Children’s Health and Safety at the Forefront
This goes without saying, but the health and safety of your charges is the top priority. Keep their best interest close to your heart. It’s the little things that make a big difference. Hold their hands while crossing the street. Regularly check the car seats to make sure they are secured. Stay with them at all times. Provide healthy meals and snacks. Check on the children while they are sleeping – especially babies and toddlers.
Communicate With The Parents
A successful collaboration involves professional communication. A journal is extremely helpful for keeping an open dialogue. Write brief notes about what happened each day. Parents will feel more informed and appreciative of your hard work. Don’t forget to ask questions when needed, and communicate any concerns you may have.
Respect The Family’s Privacy
Family life is very personal. It’s important to respect your nanny family’s privacy, always. You love them so much but without permission, it isn’t appropriate to share photographs of the kids on the internet. It also isn’t professional to discuss your family’s personal life with others. Additionally, it’s best to avoid the parent’s bedroom, office, home phone, and computer without permission.
Take an Interest in the Child
Ask them about school, friends, and special interests. Introduce yourself to their teachers and coaches. Show your charge that you’re invested in their success.
Keep to the Family’s Routine
Keep to appropriate bedtimes, meal times, activity times, etc. A successful nanny-family team works together to keep things running seamlessly.
Stick to the Family’s Rules
You’re an extension of the parent’s goals. They’ll appreciate your effort in reinforcing the family guidelines.
Tuck Your Phone Away While Working
You’re there to do a special job – treat it as one and please keep the phone away. Your focus should be on the children at all times, not on your texts or social media accounts. If you communicate with parents throughout the day using your phone, place it within hearing, not browsing, range.
Take Care of Yourself
You can’t expect to be a great caregiver if you aren’t caring for yourself. While at work, eat healthy meals and drink plenty of water. Take a moment to breathe when the children are sleeping. These small things will help ensure your body and mind are prepared to keep up with the momentum of the day. Caring for yourself will improve your motivation and confidence, and your charges will benefit from a happier you!
Schedule Playdates
Connect with others! Schedule playdates as much as you can. Get to know other caregivers in the area. If ever you start to feel isolated, join a nanny playgroup! Make the most of each day by building a network of positive nanny support.
Love Your Job
If you find joy in laughing and learning every day, you will succeed in this position! Don’t take your role for granted. Treat your role professionally and don’t forget to have fun! Be the Best Nanny!
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Starling is a stellar nanny placement agency proudly serving Greater Seattle and the Eastside. Starling nannies are passionate about education and child development! We represent professional nannies, private teachers, newborn care specialists, household managers, family assistants, personal assistants, and more. Learn more about Starling’s core values.